« l'envie fait du mal qu'aux envieux »

quote › there are certain moments that a man never forgets: his first kiss, his first duel, but most of all, the moment he first discovers his purpose in life. ♬ song
my story is one of many thousand, and the world will not suffer if it ends too soon | the only thins to fear are God and Borgia
ellola, 18, 12 march › cuoriosa, romantica, movie&telefilm addicted, fangirling su qualunque cosa
graphic robb stark & jeyne westerling

• currently watching : game of thrones › the borgias › supernatural

« l'envie fait du mal qu'aux envieux »

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--- portofolio chiuso

non vorrei dire, ve l'avevo detto ma lo faccio, mi son resa conto che tenere un portfolio, almeno ora è un'impresa che non riesco a gestire, e meno cose ho da fare nel web meglio è. Si ma non gioite tanto, ci sono sempre in giro ♥
In: ----
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Nome gruppo di sezioni

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hic sunt dracones

bacheca, welcome, off topic, contest »​
ω ognuno mostra ciò che è dagli amici che ha.
185423/5/2012, 09:19
In: anyaccia
By: anyaccia

In: ----
By: ----

a photolife

photoshop »​
∞ haters turn around
113925/7/2012, 12:22
In: icons › varie
By: #fishbone

a hero gonna save me

risorse »​
≈ fair is foul, and foul is fair. enjoy to enter
13269/7/2012, 17:40
In: Protected Forum
By: ----

In: ----
By: ----

ten million sun and stars

spam, affiliazioni »​
✌ he comes
36465/4/2017, 08:03
In: leftovers rpg | we are the only ones left here
By: mala/ment

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